Welcome Back!

The girls are finally back in school and are enjoying seeing their friends, find their way around and making new friends with our new starters. The girls have been familiarising themselves with their new Form Rooms, timetables, safety routines and the one-way system for walking safely through the corridors.
Junior School girls were very excited to return, even though many had been able to attend school during the second half of the Summer term.
Romy (Year 7) said, “I found it different, but not too difficult to get around, and I found it easy to make friends with the new girls.”
Catch the photogallery on our Facebook page or click below to see more.
It's the girls' #FirstDayBack to school today! It's wonderful to hear their voices and laughter and discussions throughout the grounds. #WelcomeBack #SpaceToLearn #WeKnowGirlsCan
Posted by Mount School York on Wednesday, September 9, 2020