Fraud Blocker

Driven by our Quaker principle, we place an emphasis on respecting and valuing every individual.

Our pastoral system is devised to provide a calm and caring environment to ensure that every pupil’s school days are happy, secure and successful.

We care about every pupil in the school not just because we want them to do well academically and take advantage of all the School has to offer, but because we want them to be able to find their place in the wider world as a positive and confident individual with compassion for others. We aim to deal with any pastoral concerns sensitively and efficiently.

In The Mount Senior School each girl is assigned a tutor group. The Personal Tutor is responsible for each pupil’s pastoral care. Tutors liaise with other members of the teaching staff, boarding staff (where appropriate) and parents. They monitor each pupil’s welfare as well as academic progress and extra-curricular activities. Tutor teams are led by the Head of Years and the Head of College (Sixth Form).  Tutors and Year Heads are here to help pupils and parents if you have any concerns. Subject teachers and Heads of Departments will also happily help with subject specific matters.

If a girl’s concern is a social matter, her Personal Tutor will want to help. Alternatively, pupils may wish to confide in a member of the House Staff or any adult amongst the Teaching Staff, who ever they feel most comfortable with. Girls may want to approach an older girl who she feels she can talk to and may be able to help her reach the right person. College (Sixth Form) girls in general in particular are glad to advise and help. A system of Peer Mentors is in place throughout the School to help integrate new girls and provide an additional level of support for any girl who needs it.

School Nurse

The Mount’s dedicated full-time staff Nurse, provides care and care planning for pupils across the School in our on-site Health Centre. She is available throughout the school day should a pupil feel unwell.

Nutcracker System & Leadership Opportunities

Pastoral Care for all Mount pupils is seen as the responsibility of the whole community. The girls themselves offer support and help to other girls within the School.  The ‘Nutcracker’ system is a time-honoured Mount tradition which refers to a ‘peer-mentoring’ system.  The system is in place throughout the School to help integrate new pupils and provide an additional level of support for any girl who needs it.

As pupils move through the School, there are number of ways to offer their support; as a member of the College Leadership Team, as a Form Senior, as a Sports Captain or as a Committee representative.

“My nutcracker Alex is always there for me with any problems and I can tell that my maths buddy, Nicole is going to be amazing. I really feel that I am always going to enjoy waking up on a morning and knowing that I am going to be at The Mount that day.”

Current Year 7

School Councils

Pupil voice is extremely important in The Mount Senior School.  We believe that every pupil should be able to have their say in their School and the opportunity to put forward their ideas and thoughts. We value our pupils’ opinions in making the School an invigorating environment for everyone to feel valued. There are School bodies set up to deal with matters of general interest e.g. School Council, Food Council and House Meetings.