Over the last term girls in The Mount Junior School have been establishing links with pupils at Lincoln School, Providence in New England, USA.
Like The Mount, Lincoln School is an all-girls Quaker School for pupils from kindergarten through to Grade 12 (Pre-School to Sixth Form). Their education and philosophy also incorporate the Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Peace and Equality.
Following an initial online meeting, staff from the two schools came up with a project to encourage collaborative learning for pupils in Year 2 to Year 6. This began earlier in the term when the pupils put to use their digital skills. The girls used Flip to make short videos to introduce themselves to the girls across the Atlantic. Along with video clips and images they explained more about The Mount and their interests.
The Digital Pen Pals project culminated on Wednesday afternoon in a live Zoom meeting. Mount girls from Year 2 to Year 6 and Lincoln School pupils from 1st – 6th Grade took it in turn to share their memories of the School Year.
After a welcome from Miss Capper, pupils from Lincoln School introduced themselves and then shared stories of a reading challenge, a sports tournament and the graphic novels they have been reading. The youngest pupils explained more about ‘Project Chick’ during which they learnt about bird life cycles and were lucky enough to watch chick eggs hatch.
The Junior School Council then each took a turn to share their highlights of The Mount’s school year. Nora spoke eloquently about the recent swimming gala and the friendly competitiveness between the Houses. Hope and Charlotte told tales of adventure from the Robinwood residential. Issy and Lucy both shared their experiences of School trips to Eureka and the Thackeray Museum. Ella told the children about the many different extra-curricular clubs she enjoys including Mandarin and Science investigators, followed by Jess who spoke fondly of the fun she had playing Peter Pan in the recent musical extravaganza.
Finally, Agnes told the classes how much she enjoyed the Boarding sleepover and playing hide and seek in the Senior School. She told the children about The Mount’s school Motto, Fidelis in Parvo, how it means ‘Faithfulness in small things’ and explaining how from small things big adventures grow!
The virtual chat ended with Mount pupils wishing the Lincoln cohort a happy summer holiday as American schools break up for their Summer break this week.
The partnership is part of the Junior School’s Global Thinking programme that has been developed to help girls think beyond their own world. Through an understanding of the wider world, girls develop an awareness of, and a confidence in, their place in the world.
“It was really fun to hear the highlights from another school like ours but so far away!” – Hope
“We spoke because we are the school council. We met together to discuss what we were going to say and practised it first.” – Agnes
“I was a bit nervous to talk to other people, but I really enjoyed it.” – Charlotte