Excellent A Level Results achieved at The Mount School York

A number of departments are celebrating some outstanding results with English, Art, History, Geography, Classical Civilisation, Textiles, PE, Chinese and EPQ performing well. More than 100% of History, Art and Chinese pupils achieved A*- A grades. 100% of pupils achieved an A* to B grade in English and Textiles. PE pupils achieved nearly 70% A*- A, Geography and Classical Civilisation pupils earned over 80% A*- B grades and EPQ saw over 75% of pupils achieve A*- C.
We are delighted for our pupils who have achieved the grades they needed to access their choices of University. Destinations include: University College London, University of Durham, University of Sheffield, University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, Norland College and University of Newcastle.
David Griffiths, Principal comments, “I would like to congratulate College II on their exceptional performance in their A levels this year. We are incredibly proud of each and every pupil, the girls have shown such resilience and determination. They approached their studies and exams with a positive mindset and deserve this success.
We are very pleased that our pupils are not only progressing to top universities but entering the world of work through some great apprenticeship schemes. This demonstrates our commitment to not only academic excellence but our desire to provide a well-rounded education allowing pupils to pursue their life goals”
To our College II leavers, we wish you a successful onward journey from The Mount School York. I also express my thanks to the teachers who supported this year group during their education at the School.”
Jo Goudriaan, Head of College adds, “I am so proud of The Mount girls and all they have achieved, not just in their exams but during their time at The Mount. They have been outstanding ambassadors for the school and tremendous role models to inspire our younger girls. I wish them the best of luck as they move on to the next phase of their lives, I know they will continue to fulfil their potential and make a difference to the world.”
The Mount School’s Sixth Form offers a nurturing environment, with a range of A-Levels, extra-curricular activities and supportive guidance designed to equip students for university, apprenticeships or the world of work.
Alongside academic attainment, our all girl setting, and Quaker ethos places a focus on excellent pastoral support, as well as an array of enrichment opportunities to empower girls with the confidence to live adventurously. Mount pupils leave The Mount as self-aware confident young women excited for life ahead.
Sixth Form Applications remain open for September 2023.